Enfield Parenting Directory

Group diverse people of all ages

Parents and Carers are children’s first educators and teachers. This is something most people agree on.

As a parent, you are not just ‘mum’ or ‘dad’. You are also a nurse, doctor, cook, teacher, coach, therapist, driver and cleaner – with no time off and no instruction manual!

We know that parenting can be hard work and that all parents and carers (including fathers) need help and support from time to time.

In Enfield, families remain front and centre of our vision, so this directory has a range of parenting resources for every stage of a child’s development. All resources included are aimed at strengthening parents’ and carers’ knowledge, confidence, and skills to promote positive development right from the start.

Father, mother and daughter.
Father and son

Start for Life

0-2 years
Expectant couple

Early Years

1-5 years

Primary Years

4-11 years
Primary years

Tweens & Teens

10-16 years
Tweens and teens