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We would like to thank all partner agencies for contributing to the compilation of this parenting directory.

A very special thanks to our Parent-Carer Panel for their honest and constructive feedback which has been used to improve the quality of resources offered.

Enfield has a very diverse population, and one of our priorities is to empower our community to be motivated, resilient and enabled to do more for themselves.

We believe this directory is a very useful ‘go to’ place for Enfield’s Parents and Carers to know how they can access support to improve their parenting skills, confidence, and knowledge.

Further work is ongoing to improve Enfield’s parenting offer and this directory will be reviewed and updated every school term to ensure it remains accurate and current.

We would welcome any feedback from parents/carers as to how helpful they find this directory and any suggestions for improving it.

Please email your feedback to

Contact the team

    Start for Life

    0-2 years
    Expectant couple

    Early Years

    1-5 years

    Primary Years

    4-11 years
    Primary years

    Tweens & Teens

    10-16 years
    Tweens and teens