Tweens & Teens

10-16 years
Couple with two teenage boys

As children approach and reach the age of 10 years old, many will start to think of themselves as being almost teenagers.

Right before your eyes, your little one has blossomed into a young person with a drive for independence, a growing social life, and has a lot to say.

In a short period of time, tweens experience significant physical and emotional changes, and these changes can be challenging for tweens and parents alike. No longer little kids, but not quite teenagers either.

But with consistent love, support, and guidance, parents & caregivers can help their tweens navigate these years while preparing them for the future.

Then, they become a teenager! Now, they want to be more independent of parents and closer to friends.

As the parent of a teenager, it is important to remember that teenagers are always keen to impress their friends, can be impulsive, risk-taking and display challenging behaviour. These are common behaviours during teenage years.

But although parenting teenagers can be difficult, Teens still need you!!

Regardless of how old they may act or seem, they are still children in need of parental love, support, and a lot of guidance to help them get through the teenage years positively.

Enfield offers a range of parenting resources to help parents understand their tweens and teens’ brain development, behaviour and learn how to respond sensitively.

Boy in shorts
Girl and boy

Start for Life

0-2 years
Expectant couple

Early Years

1-5 years

Primary Years

4-11 years
Primary years

Tweens & Teens

10-16 years
Tweens and teens