Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

ATLAS (Autism Training Link and Support)


ATLAS is a series of information sessions for parents/carers of children who have recently been diagnosed with autism.

Parents of children without an official diagnosis are also invited to attend if they would like to find out more whilst they wait for an assessment.

ATLAS is delivered jointly across health, education, and the voluntary sector, and aims to support parents with their understanding of what their child’s diagnosis means as well as to give them some strategies to support their child’s communication and sensory differences in daily routines, and their management of their child’s behaviour at home.

You will meet parents of autistic children who will tell you about the wealth of support available to parents across the Enfield community.

Parents are asked to attend all 5 sessions:-

  • Session 1: Understanding Autism
  • Session 2: Communication
  • Session 3: Sensory Processing
  • Session 4: Information Processing
  • Session 5: Community Resources (held on Thursday)


5 weekly sessions – every half term.


Sessions are delivered online via Microsoft Teams; 10am -11.30am on Wednesdays.

Who Is It For?

Parents/Carers of children under 6 years diagnosed with autism; and
Parents/carers of children under 6 years without an official diagnosis are also invited to attend;

How to Book

Referral from paediatrician immediately after diagnosis; OR

Parents/carers can request to attend by contacting 02045535691 or email northmid.atlas@nhs.net


Contact Info

If you would like to know more about ATLAS, please contact the ATLAS Administrator on 02045535691 or email northmid.atlas@nhs.net

Start for Life

0-2 years
Expectant couple

Early Years

1-5 years

Primary Years

4-11 years
Primary years

Tweens & Teens

10-16 years
Tweens and teens