Digital Parenting Resources

Between Us App – The Relationship Support App for Parents-Carers

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Relationships can be difficult at times. And being a parent can often make things even tougher.

Between Us App is designed to help parents have a better relationship with their partner or expartner.
Between Us provides parents with a wide range of exercises, communication tips, easy to understand information on why communication matters and interactive videos.
Some level of arguing and conflict between parents or carers is often a normal part of everyday life. However, there is strong evidence that frequent, intense and poorly resolved parental conflict can have a negative impact on children’s mental health and long-term life-chances.

Between Us is designed to help people better understand what’s going wrong in their relationship or co-parenting relationships and do something about it.

Between Us is an effective evidenced-based tool developed by Tavistock Relationships to reduce parental conflict and include topics such as:

  • Improving communication;
  • Dealing with difficulties and differences around parenting;
  • Understanding what makes your partner feel cared for;
  • Some topics couples or co-parents find particularly tough to talk about;


Access is gained through a dedicated portal; Between Us App (

Suitable as a targeted intervention or for use with 1 or both parents-carers on their own;

Who Is It For?

Parents-carers of children of all ages;

How to Book

Please speak to the Practitioner supporting you.

Start for Life

0-2 years
Expectant couple

Early Years

1-5 years

Primary Years

4-11 years
Primary years

Tweens & Teens

10-16 years
Tweens and teens