Family Relationship Programmes

Culturally Integrated Family Approach (CIFA) Programme to Domestic Abuse


The ‘Culturally Integrated Family Approach’ (CIFA) programme, is delivered by Rise Mutual CIC in Enfield, and aims to encourage abusers to change their behaviour and reduce reoffending.

RISE Mutual CIC (“RISE”), provides a targeted, multi-faceted domestic abuse service for racialised, marginalised communities, through a coordinated family and community approach.

Individuals’ risks and needs will be identified through a specialist suitability assessment and a post programme report will be provided upon completion.


A structured 16-20 session programme delivered on 1:1 basis
The number of sessions is dependent on the need
Each session has been adapted to ensure the programme is culturally informed and suitable for those with learning difficulties or needs associated with neuro-diversity


1:1 in person or online as agreed

Who Is It For?

  • For men and women in the racialised and minoritised communities who have been abusive in their relationships. AND
  • Are willing and ready to change their behaviour; AND
  • Give their consent
  • bespoke approach to the LGBTQ+ community where abuse has occurred between intimate partners
  • adults who are displaying abusive behaviour towards their parents/carers alongside a support service for victim/survivors (Adult Child to Parent Violence)

How to Book

Referrals from professionals only

email for a referral form.

Contact Info

Website –

Start for Life

0-2 years
Expectant couple

Early Years

1-5 years

Primary Years

4-11 years
Primary years

Tweens & Teens

10-16 years
Tweens and teens