Specialist Programmes

Developing Independence at Home Workshop for Parents


This workshop is suitable for parents/carers of children with disability or additional needs to learn strategies for developing independence at home.

It aims to:

  • Explore what we mean by independence and factors that help or hinder its development.
  • Give practical strategies for developing independence at home.
  • Discuss different ways that we can provide support to our children when teaching them independence skills.

The workshop is delivered by paediatric Occupational Therapy (OT) team and is free but parents-carers must pre-book.

Places are limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis, so please book as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.

Strategies for developing independence at home for parents-carers of children with disability or additional needs.

Occupational therapists help children and young people improve their ability to participate in everyday activities (“occupations”). These occupations may include self-care tasks (for example getting dressed, eating), play and leisure activities (such as riding a bicycle, playing with Lego) and participating in school life (for example using a pencil and scissors).


Termly - Once every 4 months.



Who Is It For?

ONLY parents-carers whose child is aged 2-18 years and:

  • Has a disability or additional needs; and
  • Is known to the Occupational Therapy Team;
  • Is living in Enfield or registered with an Enfield GP;

Not for parents-carers of children who:

  • attend an Enfield school but do not live in Enfield nor have an Enfield GP.

Parents-carers of these children need to be referred to their home borough’s NHS Occupational Therapy service.

How to Book

Child/young person MUST be known to Occupational Therapy (OT) Team and can only be referred internally by the OT Team;

Start for Life

0-2 years
Expectant couple

Early Years

1-5 years

Primary Years

4-11 years
Primary years

Tweens & Teens

10-16 years
Tweens and teens