Support Groups & Forums for Parents

EASA Cuppa and Chat Sessions

Enfield advisory service for autism (EASA). logo


Our monthly Cuppa and Chat sessions are an opportunity for parents/carers to meet and chat with other parents/carers and meet the EASA team.

  • Hear about topical issues;
  • Socialise with other parents;
  • Friendly & relaxed atmosphere;

We will usually have a short presentation (10 – 15 minutes) on a particular theme to tell you about support available in that area or to share a few quick tips.

The rest of the time will be informal with refreshments available.


2nd Thursday of the month - for parents and carers of Early Years and Primary aged children.
3rd Thursday of the month - for parents and carers of Secondary and Post-16 children/young people.

Who Is It For?

Parents/Carers of children with autism (diagnosed or undiagnosed).

How to Book

Please register for the session(s) you want to come to, so that we can make sure we have enough seats, refreshments, and team members to greet you.

Those who turn up without registering may be turned away if we have reached capacity.

If you register and are then unable to attend, please contact us to cancel your place so space can be offered to someone else on our waiting list.

Contact Info

Enfield Advisory Service for Autism (EASA)

on 07921 298 440 or email –

Start for Life

0-2 years
Expectant couple

Early Years

1-5 years

Primary Years

4-11 years
Primary years

Tweens & Teens

10-16 years
Tweens and teens