Tweens & Teens
10-16 years

Parent ELKLAN: Let’s Talk with 11-14s

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If you are a Parent/Carer of a child who is at or about to start secondary school, and are concerned about their communication, language or learning, this course is for you!

If your child finds school challenging and is struggling either socially or academically, then they may have an underlying communication difficulty. This course will help you recognise these difficulties and provide strategies to support your child.

This is a practical training course which helps parents/carers learn how to develop and enhance their child’s understanding and talking.

This course will also provide you with:

  • A wealth of information and an opportunity to share experiences with other parents and carers of children with similar communication challenges
  • Practical advice and strategies which are easy to implement in your home
  • A practical resource workbook containing an abundance of tips, ideas and strategies

Sessions include home learning tasks which are set each week


4 weekly sessions


Online, delivered in September 2024

Who Is It For?

Parent/Carer of a child who is at or about to start secondary school, and are concerned about their communication, language or learning

How to Book

Eligible parents/carers will receive an invitation by email

Contact Info

Email –

You can find out more information about ECASS at


Start for Life

0-2 years
Expectant couple

Early Years

1-5 years

Primary Years

4-11 years
Primary years

Tweens & Teens

10-16 years
Tweens and teens