Family Relationship Programmes

Positive Co-Parenting of Neurodiverse Children


This programme is designed specifically for parents of neurodiverse children living in Enfield, whether living together, separated, or divorced AND are struggling to find common ground in raising their neurodiverse child.

This is a valuable opportunity to enhance relationships, strengthen parenting skills and create a more harmonious home environment.


8-week online group sessions facilitated by trained & accredited Facilitators


Parents are offered a choice of attending either morning or evening sessions;
Parents need to be able to commit to attending all 8 sessions to benefit from the support.

Who Is It For?

  • Parents who are experiencing conflicts and challenges due to the neurodiversity of their child, who lives in Enfield
  • Parents who want to improve communication and build stronger partnership in parenting and co-parenting their neurodiverse child
  • Parents seeking guidance, support, and practical strategies to navigate the unique challenges of raising a neurodiverse child

It is not intended for couples going through the process of separation or divorce or in an acrimonious relationship

How to Book

Referral Form for Enfield Positive Co-Parenting of Neurodiverse Children

Contact Info

For more information:

email –

call – 0204 522 8700 or 0204 522 8699

Start for Life

0-2 years
Expectant couple

Early Years

1-5 years

Primary Years

4-11 years
Primary years

Tweens & Teens

10-16 years
Tweens and teens